Thursday, August 28, 2014

Extended Tip Battery Dental Polisher Review

 - This alternate design of the commonly available and cheap tooth polisher does it one better. By extending the neck of polishing cup by an inch and then-some on the oversized motorized head, it's actually possible to reach inside and way back into your mouth. This allows you to FULLY AND PROPERLY remove plaque and tarter, erase coffee and tobacco stains, and buff your teeth to a shine.

A tongue scraper, dental mirror and extra polishing cups and pointed tips are included in the set:

Electric Home Dental Polisher

The only readily available source for this extended neck battery operated dental polisher seems to be as a Buy-It-Now item on eBay for around $25 USD -- from a seller in the UK. They offer free shipping of the polishing tool via regular postal mail. Mine arrived in just over a week, so overseas shipping was reasonably fast enough.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Cheapest Home Dental Polishers - Review

Those looking for an affordable, low-cost way to polish their teeth at home have a variety of oral care products to choose from. Considering how much a typical teeth cleaning and polishing procedure costs at your local dentist (typically $75-$125) - the ability to remove stains and plaque yourself between routine dental appointments is appealing. Currently a cheap dental polisher that's somewhat readily available online is that's generally available for under $15. The very same battery powered polisher is also packaged and labeled as AZDent, OraTec, or The Doctors brands. Strangely, I have never seen it in any of the major pharmacy chains: Walgreens, CVS, RiteAid, or even WalMart simply don't carry rubber-cupped, battery operated tooth polishing tools in their dental/oral care section.

As you can see , it includes batteries and four extra polishing cups, and features a motorized polishing head atop the handle. A push-to-operate lever starts and stops the motor. Unlike some polishers that just_oscillate_ back and forth, this polisher cup does spin completely around in full 360 degree rotation. This provides effective polishing and teeth buffing action, but does lead to a bit of splattering of paste when in use.

The real drawback that I must mention in this dental polisher review is that with the rather large motor atop the handle, it's basically impossible for anyone with a normal-size mouth to reach or clean their back teeth! You can't reach the backside of your front dental arch either. Ultimately, unless you have a BIG mouth, you won't be able to properly clean and polish the entire mouth  just the front of it.

For around $12, the ability to thoroughly clean, remove stains, buff and polish your front teeth at least provides the major cosmetic benefit consumers desire. But as such, it's better than nothing, worth a try if you're new to DIY dental polishers. Other polishers such as those featured at can provide a more comprehensive cleaning and are worth checking out.